I am now starting to set more goals for myself and reflecting on how much I have progressed so far since picking up my guitar again. It has been a fun and challenging journey so far and I look forward… Continue Reading →
Today was a great opportunity to hear some experts in the field and just have some good open discussion. When I joined the mental health breakout room, the talk was focused on sleep and just how important that is to… Continue Reading →
I am making progress with the guitar. It might not seem like much from the outside, but for me I am really starting to notice differences. I can tell already that to continue making any progress, I just need to… Continue Reading →
Rich McCue was our guest speaker today and it was really nice to have him there. Computational thinking and cross-curricular coding was the topic of discussion, and this is definitely something I have been hoping to discuss in this class…. Continue Reading →
Heidi James was our guest speaker to talk about gaming in education. She also had guest student speakers Emma and Jorja to talk about their experiences using Minecraft in education. We started off with discussing our own experience with gaming… Continue Reading →
Chantelle was our guest speaker this past Friday from BCEd access, a volunteer organization designed to help support students with special needs and complex learners through the use of technology. An obvious challenge is getting parents on board and making… Continue Reading →
Structured inquiry, controlled inquiry, guided inquiry, free inquiry. These have been discussed more in depth with Trevor and in today’s class, trying to find ways to implement some of this in our careers and possibly during practicum. It seems like… Continue Reading →
It’s official, I am committed to guitar for this inquiry. I was having a tough time trying to balance guitar and saxophone, and guitar won out for this for a couple reasons: I can play the guitar a lot more… Continue Reading →
Trevor MacKenzie was our guest speaker this past Friday, and he is also involved with inquiry based learning. This was a fantastic lecture and there was a lot of great information. His values are as a Constructivist Educator, where learners… Continue Reading →
I have mainly been practicing with guitar right now, just working mainly on learning some basic chords, transitioning between them, and just generally getting a better feel for the guitar and how to read the chords and notes when on… Continue Reading →
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