I have mainly been practicing with guitar right now, just working mainly on learning some basic chords, transitioning between them, and just generally getting a better feel for the guitar and how to read the chords and notes when on paper. I am starting to get a better hang of it but I’m still pushing through the first stages of getting my fingers used to the strings. Today’s focus was working on transitioning between E major, A major, and D major.

This is what it looks like.

These little lessons on youtube are a good way to get started (Andy Guitar), they are introducing new chords, how to transition between them, and a song that uses them for they rhythm guitar part. In this case with the A and D chord, ‘Born in the USA’ by Bruce Springsteen. I also got to try a tiny piece of lead guitar today for the song, (it helps to sing along with each note to make it sound right) and did take a couple small recordings. Still LOTS of room to improve but it was exciting to have something sound like a real song. I should be receiving my guitar picks any day now and I think that will help with the strumming side of things. Hopefully next post can include some saxophone.