Structured inquiry, controlled inquiry, guided inquiry, free inquiry. These have been discussed more in depth with Trevor and in today’s class, trying to find ways to implement some of this in our careers and possibly during practicum. It seems like in practicum we will have to determine what kind of classroom we are going into; if these students are not accustomed to inquiry based learning, it might be difficult to make a leap into inquiry, but could maybe implement some structured inquiry.

Getting feedback and hearing your students voices is so important as an educator. It allows teachers to find out what students want to learn and would be more engaged with. This is a way to connect with students and really be able to help them with their learning.

Multi-access is where there is a mix of face to face and online at the same time; blended is a mix of face to face and online, but they happen at different times.

Multi-access: tier 1- face to face, tier 2- synchronous, tier 3- asynchronous, tier 4- open learning.

Modality vs pedagogy. Some instances of face to face modality are very rich, and the same goes for online learning. There are great examples of each, and also poor examples of each. The pedagogy is the crucial component to make the modality work well. Some students are more suited to face to face, some more suited to online. It is so important for students to have a variety of ways to express themselves and their learning. Learning design needs to take modality into account and establish the different obstacles that are in place for learners: lack of computer/internet, lack of consistent transportation to the school, etc…

Observed score (assessment mechanism) = True Score (what learner knows) + Error (is it reliable and repeatable).

O = T + E

We want to minimize the Error in assessment (teacher-made assessments have an error rate of 0.4), so we need to find ways to vary what is assessed, how it is assessed, and why it is being assessed.

The equation below is more aimed to empower learners:

Potential = Personalization + Connectedness + Openness + Assessment for learning + Access.

This seems like a more useable equation with a wider range of components that are meant to help and empower learners.


Today’s reflection post is a jumble of ideas and thoughts that occurred today during class. It is more of a ‘note taking’ reflection so I can remember some of my thinking that occurred.